The Prime Minister, Head of government, Philemon Yang, public procurement Authority, opened this 9 July 2013, a National Workshop on the improvement of the Cameroonian public procurement system. This workshop which is aimed at making public procurement more efficient and transparent, brings together all actors of the system, from operators to bidders, to those responsible for procurement, control, regulation and settlement of disputes.

Opening the working session at the Conference Centre, Philemon Yang insisted on the need to align the national public procurement system with international standards while taking into account the changes in administrative and public management, particularly, the creation in 2011 of a Ministry in charge of the State property and the entry into force of the State financial system that extends to many years.
The Head of Government recommended transparency, celerity, improvement in quality and increase in the service provided.
“The recommendations resulting from this working session should promote transparency in procedures, processing files with urgency, improvement in the quality of services and a substantial increase in the consumption rate of the public investment budget. (They) should also take into account international standards ...” he recommended.
Philemon Yang did not forgot the demand for the moralization of public governance, which imperatively requires the strengthening of the rule of law and the increased fight against corruption, and frank collaboration between the various actors in the sector.
The working session, which includes several workshops and discussions, will end tomorrow, 10 July 2013.