A balanced delegation of jurists, led by the President of the Bar Association, Maître Charles Patie Tchakounte were glad to be included in the dialogue given that the protest of lawyers in October 2016 triggered the ongoing crisis.

A balanced delegation of jurists, led by the President of the Bar Association, Maître Charles Tchakounte Patie were glad to be included in the dialogue given that the protest of lawyers in October 2016 triggered the ongoing crisis.
The jurists revisited the causes which in essence points out the specificity of the Anglophone sstem of common law viz a viz the civil law. Besides clamouring for the restoration of their status in the society. The men and women in robes attributed the crisis to the difficulties the Anglophones face on a daily basis which are misery, underdevelopment pepetrated by a feeling of frustration and marginalization.
According to the president of the general assembly, the purported dialogue will be fruitful as long as stakeholders stick to truth and justice.
The medical corps has suffered prejudices since the outset of the crisis. Grouped in their orders of Doctors, pharmacists and nurses, the medical practitioners outlined impediments, to their functioning during the crises and called for appropriate security.
Another difficulty has been the provision of primary health care services which has also suffered a setback. The medics decried the absence of a career status and low financial remuneration.
The Academia which has also suffered a big blow in the South West and North West regions was also consulted. According to Professor Maurice aurelien Sosso, rector of Yaounde University 1 it is necessary to put in place a Cameroonian intelligentce that respects the country’s cultural and sociological diversity.