Prime Minister Dion Ngute on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 began sampling the views political parties on the forthcoming dialogue convened by the Head of State, on day three and second week of consultations. The Head of Government members of the Union des Populations du Cameroun (The UPC), the Cameroon Renaissance Party (MRC), the Cameroon Savation Party during the morning period. Later in the Afternoon he exchanged with El Hadj Lawan Bako's UDP, the ANDP and UDC.

Diverse shades of opinions by some political parties represented at the National Assembly were expressed as the Prime Minister continued consultations with the UPC, MRC, FNSC, UDP, ANDP and UDC. Each group presented strategies to the Head of Government and coordinator of the dialongue on how to solve the the anglophone proplem that has been ongoing for the past close to three years
The UPC group saluted the innitiative of a national dialogue and supported the approach of sovreignty chosen by the President of the Republic.
Through their alliance with the CPDM, the UPC will support Government and the Head of State find solutions to the ongoing problem and consequently will file in the party's proposals
The Cameroon National Salvation Party (FSNC) led by its Secretary General Jeanne Tsoga Sone, welcomed the call for dialogue with the hope that it will quell or silence the guns in the troubled regions
On its part the MRC presented a a billingual manifesto to the Prime Minister Head of Government which will be made known subsequently. The MRC were equally open to dialogue when their proposals will be taken into consideration.
One of the grassroot parties based in the North West Region the United Democratic Party and which has lived in the region through the conflict is the United Democratic Party whose head is Elhadj Lawan Bako. Speaking to the press at the end of his exchange with PM Dion Ngute, El Hadj Lawan Bako explained that he has submitted the real expectations of the populations as well as his suggestions as to how the dialogue should be carried on. He added that as a party that had stayed put in the troubled area during the whole fighting, he has a better knowledge of the issues and so can really propose a better way of handling the issues on the ground.
The ANDP President is glad that finally the option of dialogue has been chosen and is hopeful that the outcome will be good.